Received on 19th of December 2022. I saw a mystery of the strategy of China in conquering new territory. Saw how the Chinese soldiers spare those who bow to worship “the dragon”, then they prepare to enter into negotiations with such nation on its assets in order to gain control […]
Vision of USA and Russia Tension
On 29th June 2024, I saw the United States of America cross the line with Vladimir Putin and what was left was for Russia to attack. It was evident that the casualty to USA would be great and I remembered the prophecy about Russia’s dominance as a sure word of […]
America is sinking: Intervene O’ Lord
Donald Trump came into this house I was staying in. As we walked about together, he said to me that he had this other place he had to be and thus his visit was going to be short. He then added that because I was talking, he couldn’t ask me […]
Star Gazing: Foretelling Future or Deception
I saw people looking through a telescope into the stars and galaxies, trying to understand what the times and seasons have to say by studying the movement of stars and constellations. (astronomy and astrology) The Lord says, “these are not sure ways of knowing My will, for to know My […]
World Economy, God and You
World Economy We have entered a new season this July 2024, and with it comes myriad of challenges for the people of God. There will be more financial and economic challenges across nations of the earth. General (Body of Christ) Watch and pray beloved one! The thief has come to […]
Peru: Intense Winds, Thunderstorms and Earthquake
I saw intense weather phenomenon: thunderstorms, lightening striking places on the land, and more thunderstorms on the ocean. I saw violent storms, violent winds and a major earthquake of 7.0 on the Richter scale. These are all signs of the last days in this nation. I saw some of these […]
Ghana and Election 2024
Ghana, the Election this year will be a challenge, but I the Lord will order My will to be established. Indeed men will seek to have their own way, but My counsel stands strong. There will be division, but I am the Prince of Peace, and what I have decreed […]
July WOTL – Ghana and Election 2024, World Economy, Stargazers, More
This mid-year message from the Lord highlights key events of the year for Ghana, the global economic outlook, and activities to look out for and pray into.
Special Video Premier: The Prophet’s Word – Hope of salvation
Video premiers today, at 12:15 pm G.M.T (in a few minutes). Join the premier to receive timely counsel from the Lord.
WOTL Tuesday – Rise of Mermaids, Great News For Farmers, Advice For Investment in 2024
Weekly Word of the Lord recorded on 16th January 2024.Prophecy of Aberdeen Revival, Mermaids in 2024 and the Big Agenda, Caution to Ministers of the Gospel, Divine counsel for Farmers and Advice to investors.